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Temporary Leave

Started by Chipawok, January 11, 2013, 09:59:52 PM

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Unfortunatly, my laptop finally pooped itself for the last time. Since this was my main computer, I will be on temporary leave until I can either fix it or get a new one. I do still have access to my family computer, but since everyone in my house uses it , my being able to use it would be a rare occurance. As for my ftb server, ive been keeping backups on an external hard drive, so when I get the files transported everyone will still be able to play.

I hope this doesn't take too long, but for now I wish everyone a good time in my absence.

--- Update ---

Ps, using my phone to make posts sucks arse... XD
I still sign because of Peer Pressure...


Hope you get a new one soon.

Not easy making post form a phone unless you use Tapatalk.
God's in his Heaven. All's right with the world.


Good luck at getting a new one dude.  Can't wait to find out what it is when you do!


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