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Fucking GFWL always ruin STEAM games

Started by Tama, December 28, 2011, 03:36:45 AM

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For example. Dead Rising 2. I bought it earlier . Downloaded it and when it started it said a Games for Windows Live has a corrupt blah blah blah. So I googled it. Turns out a lot of people have the same problem. So they say I need to reinstall the game...Fucking hell. Why does Steam even support GFWL. It's complete bull shit.


Thats ok Static got me Bulletstorm and I can't even play single playet because it can't connect the key to my account. Funny part is GFWL can't find my external IP or use my phone for internet, yet Steam can.
God's in his Heaven. All's right with the world.

Cold Assassin

GFWL = Games For Windows Live

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